About > FAQ

  1. Where is Bangladesh and how large is the population?

  2. Ans. Bangladesh is located in South Asia and East of India. The other neighboring countries are China, Singapore, Malaysia and Myanmar. The population is over 160 million.

  3. What is the availability of professionals in the semiconductor field?

  4. Ans. There are about 100 public and private universities offering VLSI courses at the undergraduate level. There are more than 5000 EEE and CSE graduates passing out from those every universities every year. Thousands of semiconductor professionals are also working with big names around the globe and many of them are often engaged in local projects.

  5. How is Bangladesh connected globally?

  6. Ans. Bangladesh is well connected to the global hub points - Singapore (4 hrs), Hong Kong (3:50 hrs), Dubai (5:30 hrs), Kualalumpur (3:50 hrs) and Delhi (2:30 hrs) with frequent flights every day.

  7. How is the internet infrastructure?

  8. Ans. The internet infrastructure is up to the mark and fit for competitive hi-tech business worldwide. The whole country is connected through a hi-speed fiber-optic backbone, supported by a number of service providers. VPN, IPLC, encrypted tunnels and other high-end secured connectivity to local and multinational companies are available to connect globally. Telephone service is also much cheaper than India, China or US.

  9. How can one be sure about confidentiality and data security?

  10. Ans. Customers have freedom to choose their own security models here including CC camera with remote surveillance from anywhere, secured and logged entry and VPN tunnels to all over the world. ULKASOFT is also familiar with working through remote log in to customer’s overseas data centers through encrypted tunnels for years. All engineers have to sign NDA with through background check and also dedicated contract agreements for particular projects as per customer’s requirements. The design center located in a diplomatic and non-commercial zone of the city with assures much more security than the other areas. ULKASOFT also maintains dedicated work-chamber (cage) with 24x7 electronic surveillance and storage/server for every customer to keep their data secured. The local administration and law and order authority provides full support under Trademarks Act 2009, Main IP Laws and Copyright Act 2000 (Amended on 2005).

  11. What sort of tool exposure/access do engineers have?

  12. Ans. ULKASOFT engineers already have exposure to most of the widely used EDA tools like Virtuoso, Calibre, VCS, SoC Encounter, Assura, UltraSim, Spectre, L-Edit, H-Spice from leading vendors like Cadence, Synopsis, Mentor Graphics and Tanner.

  13. Is Bangladesh familiar with international business culture especially in semiconductor fields?

  14. Ans. Bangladesh has more than 30 years reputed footprint in ready-made garments industry and leading it to be a one of the biggest manufacturers and exporters in this sector. Thus it is already in a culture of competitive but ethical business practices. Bangladesh already has experience of over 10 years in the semiconductor industry, and within this very short period of time has been associated with several big names of the arena. The customers have consistently been impressed with the work ethic, commitment, the resulting quality of work and are already expanding their business here.