
Mohammed Enayetur Rahman | CEO

Rahman has more than 31 years of experience in the semiconductor industry in engineering management, strategy making, resource building, product planning and risk management. He started his career as a Design Engineer at AMD and held senior technical and management positions with Oki Semiconductor, Virtual Silicon and Syntera Communication.

During his 12+ years of tenure in AMD, he was a pioneer in designing several interface logic chips. He has patents on data communication systems.

Rahman received his B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. He also attended engineering management courses in Stanford University.


Dr. Emdad Khan| Advisor

Mr. Emdad has 20 years of experience with large semi-conductor companies, including Intel and National. Mr. Khan invented, defined, developed and deployed worldwide new intelligent software products for micro-controller-based home appliances. He holds 23 patents and has published more than 60 journal & conference papers. Mr. Emdad has also 7 years of experience in academia and the author of the book “Internet for Everyone: Reshaping the Global Economy by Bridging the Digital Divide”.

He holds a Doctorate degree in Computer Science, M.Sc. in both Electrical Engineering & Engineering Management and a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering.