Services > Software Testing Service

We provide clients with a wide range of testing services, from individual testers who manually execute existing Test Cases, to being fully involved in a client’s software development lifecycle and taking complete responsibility for testing by establishing testing methodologies, creating test cases/plans and performing actual testing.

We can also perform a testing assessment to help you optimize your testing procedures and then set-up a process tailored to the type of project(s) at hand.

Ulkasoft testing team has accumulated vast experience in cooperating with many different types of clients in various industries and delivering to them professional software quality assurance service. Offshore cooperation is as much about a relationship based on compatibility, trust and mutual respect as it is about technical skills and quality.


  • Testing whether a system is functioning correctly
  • Automatic and manual testing
  • Exploratory and regression testing
  • Multi-level testing, from Unit to UAT


  • Load and stress testing to verify basic performance requirements
  • Determining responsiveness and stability under working conditions - can be tailored to include expected number of users, specified application response times or other criteria


  • Tests whether the overall system complies with desired usage
  • Focus on end-user perspective – is the user interface easy to understand and use?


  • Cross platform/device testing
  • Testing designed specifically for mobile scenarios (interruptions, network availability, etc.)